Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 8:06 AM by Global Reach

Marilyn ButlerMarilyn Butler’s career as a 4-H volunteer leader started in 1977 when she became the organizational leader of the College Chickadees 4-H Club in Linn County.  That’s 37 years of “true green” 4-H dedication!  In her role as leader she has shepherded her 4-H flock providing guidance with record books, helping organize a variety of workshops, and helping them experience everything from making kolaches to refinishing furniture. 

She provided her members with community service projects and leadership/citizenship skills to help them become better people.   Marilyn is always there for the youth to answer their questions and to offer help.  You can be sure that when May 15 rolls around and September 15 is up on the calendar, she has been in contact with her group to remind them of those two important deadlines. She makes sure that those record books get to the Extension Office on time for the award review.  

She has made a huge 4-H impact on the members of her club these past 37 years, including her two children and two grandchildren.  Marilyn has true 4-H Spirit and practices the 4-H motto “To make the best, better”. Linn County truly appreciates all that she does for 4-H.

Categories: Linn

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