Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 17, 2014 at 9:41 PM by Global Reach

Andy and Lyn Brader have a background going back to 1947.  Andy Brader joined the Sperry Sodbusters 4-H club around 1947 and Lyn Brader joined the Huron Peppy Pals in 1949.  When Lyn joined there were boys clubs and girls clubs and at that time the boys were the ones to show livestock and girls participated in home economics clubs.

Andy showed cattle and hogs till he was out of high school and Lyn participated in indoor projects.  They continued down the 4-H path with their two children, Dean and Regan.  Lyn served as a 4-H leader for four years for the Sperry Homemakers and Andy served on the Des Moines County Fair Board from 1982-1994 serving as board president from 1991-1993.    As part of the fair board Andy was instrumental in the building of Fritz Hall and the cattle wash racks.  Andy received the Friend of the Fair award for his many years of commitment to the fair.  They camped at the fair, helped with weigh-ins, were there on set-up day and stayed through clean up after the festivities were done.  Lyn served as a judge for the achievement shows, where girls had their exhibits evaluated and selections made for the Des Moines County Fair.

The Brader’s now have three grandchildren:  Dawson, Dylan, and Sydney Brader who continue the tradition of 4-H and showing at the Des Moines County Fair and the Iowa State Fair.  Andy and Lyn are always there to help hold a calf till the show starts, take the pictures if need be or dry a tear when sale day arrives.  They can be seen sitting in the stands at every show in which their grandchildren participate.

Categories: Des Moines

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