Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 17, 2014 at 9:29 PM by Global Reach

Roger and Kay Zieman have volunteered countless hours for  the 4-H youth in Clay County.  Their positive attitude and willing spirit is an inspiration to all those who have worked with them in mentoring youth. 

They were nominated by a community member who was mentored by them as a youth.  Pam Hanson mentioned in her nomination letter, “We spent countless hours at their farm preparing our 4-H demonstrations, clipping our calves, and taking photographs to be exhibited at the fair.”

Kay and Roger were 4-H Leaders for the Lincoln Lions 4-H Club, where they both were always ready to help anyone who was interested in 4H. Roger has also been a long-time member of the Clay County 4-H Beef Committee.  Those who know Roger say that his love of his farm, his cattle, and the patience he has in working with kids, is what makes him stand out in their minds as a great mentor.  Kay’s volunteerism at the 4-H building and the beef show, her laugh and her kind heart are what makes a difference to the kids that she has worked with.

Kay and Roger instilled a love of agriculture in their children, and currently have five grandchildren all actively showing and raising livestock.  Roger and Kay have also inspired many 4-Hers as Scramble Calf donors and mentors.  They worked to make sure the kids they sponsored had the best experience possible. 

Many Clay County 4-Hers have been touched by the volunteer work of the Ziemans.  They are deserving of recognition, however they would never expect it or want attention drawn to their efforts.  Their quiet work behind the scenes has made a difference!  

Categories: Clay

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