Posted on August 17, 2014 at 4:26 PM by Global Reach
Jerald and Judi Lawson have been lifelong residents of Moulton. After four years in the Air Force, Jerald and Judi returned home, and they engaged in farming row crops and raising cattle and goats.
Judi started her 4-H career as an associate member of the Rainbow 4-H Club in Washington Township. She then joined the group as a regular member. Judi was the treasurer of the club when it folded and remains the treasurer to this day. She has kept the club’s bank account open and every year she awards a cookbook to a senior 4-H member who has exceled in Food and Nutrition in memory of the Rainbow 4-H Club. Jerald was a member of the Monterey 4-H Club. Jerald recalls raising pheasants as a project one year and attributes his knowledge of electrical wiring to his 4-H experience. All of their children and grandchildren have been actively involved in 4-H and FFA, exhibiting at the county fair as well as the Iowa State Fair.
Their children joined the Wells Rustlers 4-H Club and when a vacancy opened Jerald and Judi became leaders of the club. Judi truly enjoys being able to teach skills to young adults which they will be able to utilize in the real world. Jerald and Judi have a great sense of community pride and strive to instill that passion in every member of their club. They have guided their 4-H club through many community service projects.
A few years ago, towns in Iowa were receiving grants for the Scenic Iowa town name signs. Jerald and Judi obtained financial information on how much the signs would cost and the Wells Rustlers 4-H Club then applied for grants and held fundraisers to raise the money. In 2012, the Town of Moulton received its Scenic Iowa signs thanks to the hard work of the Wells Rustlers 4-H Club and local community members.
In 2013, a local metal work company cut metal signs in the shapes of animals exhibited at the fair. The company gave the club a discount and they held fundraisers for the remainder of the project cost. The metal signs were hung on the respective buildings making it easier for people to recognize what buildings held specific animals.
Jerald is currently the superintendent of the Goat, Dairy Cattle and Bucket/Bottle Calf departments at the Appanoose County Fair. Judi and her daughters, Jara and Jerilyn, have been in charge of the queen contest since 2000. They also sponsor trophies for the Dairy Goat and Meat Goat shows. A few years ago, they attended judges training and enjoy judging exhibits at other county fairs. They feel through judging they encourage 4-Hers to expand their horizons by suggesting new project areas and providing tips to make future exhibits better. Jerald enjoys teaching and passing on his knowledge of farming to future generations. They are also very involved with the Moulton Christian Church and the church youth group.
Categories: Appanoose