Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 9, 2013 at 9:13 AM by Global Reach


Florence FerdenFlorence Ferden’s long time dedication to Worth County 4-H began as a young Home Economist in 1954 when she was hired to serve
families in Worth County.
Florence touched thousands of 4-H youth members with a wealth of information about food and nutrition, family living, consumer management, weight control, clothing selection, money management, food preservation, home repairs, stitchery, sewing, and crafts. She offered countless numbers of 4-H club leader trainings and workshops as well as providing education for a large number of Iowa State Fair winning 4-H demonstrations.
Florence and her husband Gene are proud parents of five children- Ann, Alan, Peter, Mary, and John who were active 4-H members. She was the driving force behind implementing the Worth County Fair 4-H T.A.P. (“Top Achievement in Projects”) award in the early '1980’s which is still going strong today offering an incentive for    4-Her’s exhibiting non-livestock projects.
Florence retired at the end of 1985 after 32 years of service to 4-H families and the citizens of Worth County. Her legacy lives on today through the parents, adults and 4-H leaders that are the youth volunteer force that are carrying on the strong 4-H tradition that Worth County 4-H enjoys.

Florence was recognized for her efforts by being named the coveted R.K Bliss State Extension award winner in 1979. Two years later in 1981 she was named as Worth County Extension Director and served in that role until her retirement.


Categories: Worth

Hi Florence! We have some wonderful memories, don't week. Remember Ted Hilton's? I am fine, and hope you are too. Love, Evalyn Merry Christmas dear friend. I think of you often and hope this finds you well (and ready for Christmas). We have some wonderful memories, don't we? Love, Evalyn
Evalyn Conard Knox | 3/20/23 at 3:16 AM
Congratulations Florence!! Very deserving recognition.
Dennis Johnson | 3/20/23 at 3:16 AM
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