Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 8, 2013 at 11:48 PM by Global Reach


Nancy HeringNancy Hering’s life-involvement in 4-H began as a member of the Pleasant Plucky Workers in Cass County. Later, she joined the Pleasant Noblettes. Her desire to show livestock meant she had to join a ‘boys’ club as well, and she became involved in the Pleasant Nobles United. In this new club, she showed cattle and sheep. 
When Nancy started in 4-H, clubs participated in one project area per year. Home Furnishings was her first project but sewing was her favorite because she and her mother learned together. After obtaining a hand-me-down 4-H uniform, she made her own. Her sewing skills took her to the Iowa State Fair in the Fashion Revue in 1965. Another favorite project was completed with her brother, Nate Burnham. They did a demonstration on butterfly collecting and were selected to give the presentation at the Iowa State Fair. Exhibits had a different path when she was in 4-H. They started off at the club Achievement Show and had to be selected to go to the county fair. 
Nancy knew the importance of challenging herself in 4-H. She has fond memories of Rally Days, and being a camp counselor at the State 4-H Camping Center at Madrid. She was the county 4-H office secretary. Nancy took the opportunity to attend the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C., when she was a junior at Griswold High School. After graduating in 1965, she attended Northwest Missouri State University for three years, then Clarkson Hospital School of Medical Technology to obtain her degree through the University of Nebraska. She married Donald Hering in 1969 and since then has lived on their farm west of Oakland. 
As a second generation 4-Her, Nancy Hering wanted her girls to be the next generation of her family to be involved in 4-H. She wanted them to benefit from the learning experiences and life skills that 4-H can offer. She passed down the skills she learned in 4-H to her daughters. 
With three girls in East Pottawattamie 4-H, Nancy became a leader of their 4-H Club, the West Nishna Belles. Her mother had also been a 4-H leader, and her daughters are still finding ways to be active in local 4-H programs. As a leader, she enjoyed watching the youth putting their newly learned skills into action, especially in the pizza and pie making contests at the county fair. Watching youth grow and develop during their 4-H career is always rewarding to Nancy. Nancy stretched her leadership to the county-level as a member of the County Youth Committee. 
Soon after her kids had grown up and were out of 4-H, Nancy found that she had time to volunteer. She managed the 4-H Food Stand at the Pottawattamie County Fair for thirteen years. The interaction with youth kept her continuing this volunteer work. 

Now retired, Nancy continues to support the East Pottawattamie 4-H program through their 4-H Booster Fund. She stills enjoys the county fair, especially Share-the-Fun and the livestock shows. Nancy continues to volunteer through Oakland Sharon Presbyterian Church as a Sunday school teacher; music group member; Session member, her church’s governing board; and as the cooperative parish treasurer. She hopes to continue to find ways to be a 4-H volunteer, but for now enjoys living on the farm, and watching her grandkids grow up.


Categories: Pottawattamie (East)

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