Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 8, 2013 at 11:20 PM by Global Reach


Jim and Carolyn SmithFor more than 30 years, Jim and Carolyn Smith have contributed hundreds of volunteer hours as 4-H club and photography project leaders, provided unlimited advice for 4-H photographers, taught photography and life skills to hundreds of 4-H members, and supported the Johnson County 4-H program in immeasurable ways. 
Jim was a 4-H club leader of the Shar-an-Win 4-H Club where their sons, Kevin and Greg, were active 4-H members including youth leaders on the Johnson County Teen 4-H Council. For six years, Jim contributed leadership and decision making skills as a member of the Johnson County Youth Development Committee. 
For 25 years, Jim served as Superintendent and Carolyn served as Assistant Superintendent of the 4-H photography area for Johnson County. Through Jim and Carolyn’s leadership at 4-H workshops and individually with 4-H members and their families, the 4-H photography project grew to 1,000 exhibits at the Johnson County Fair. Jim and Carolyn worked effectively with the 4-H photography judges and were also available for the display set up and take down times. Jim and Carolyn both took their photography expertise to many eastern Iowa county fairs as highly sought after judges. Jim has judged at the Iowa State Fair for many years.
Carolyn served on the Johnson County Fair Board. While on the board she served on the entertainment committee selecting entertainment acts, organizing and hosting the pie baking contests and Senior Day at the county fair.

The Smiths are examples of outstanding 4-H volunteers and 4-H parents; they are always ready to help, are positive in their approach in working with others and understand the importance of youth learning life skills through 4-H. They have contributed countless hours to the Johnson County 4-H program

Categories: Johnson

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