Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 31, 2012 at 4:09 PM by Global Reach

Dean and Adele BowdenDean and Adele Bowden have given a substantial gift to Hamilton County Extension and to the 4-H program when they gifted the Newcastle Building on June 30th, 2011.  Dean Bowden bought the Newcastle Building in 1982 as an investment, which he managed until he gifted it.

In 2006, the Hamilton County Extension was looking to move to a new location. Bowden had some space in the back of the building that needed remodeling and redecorating, and felt it was a good fit for the organization.

"The Extension Council felt the building was in a good location," he said. "It's close to the fairgrounds and is highly visible. When people from other parts of the county come in, they can easily find it, it is handicapped accessible and the onsite parking is a definite bonus."

Dean and Adele believe in 4-H,". "They were both longtime 4-H members from Buchanan County. Adele's mother worked for Extension for 20 years and was inducted as an Iowa Hall of Fame Member. Both of their fathers were 4-H leaders."

Dean tells how both Adele and he grew up in the 1950s, an era where 4-H was everything to farm kids.  They were in a position where they wanted to perpetuate that in Hamilton County.  Dean is a partner at Webster City Custom Meats. He and his wife have lived in the community for the past 35 years.  Dean and Adele felt giving the building to Hamilton County Extension, it would save some money that would otherwise be used for rent and then the extra could be put into programming,"

Not only have the Bowden’s given the building to Hamilton County Extension, Dean and Adele have been loyal supporters to our Hamilton County 4-H Foundation.  They give generously to the annual membership drive and the 4-H scholarship drive each year, so Hamilton County 4-H’ers have assistance when they wish to expand their horizons by taking part in many of the activities the Hamilton County 4-H Foundation sponsor.

Dean is also one of the loyal cattlemen, who assist the older 4-H’ers each year at the Hamilton County Fair with their annual Bar B Q fundraiser. 

Dean and Adele you truly BLEED GREEN for the Hamilton County 4-H program and ISU Extension.  STAFF and Hamilton County 4-H’ers THANK YOU for all your support to our county 4-H program.

tribute gift

Categories: Hamilton

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