Posted on July 31, 2012 at 10:43 AM by Global Reach
David Turner of Arlington has been a life-long supporter of the Fayette County 4-H program. David is the parent of two children, Dan and Mary, who were also members in Fayette County. He is the proud grandfather of two.
Over the years, Dave has been very instrumental to the 4-H program of Fayette County as he started 4-H in 1958 as a member of the Fairfield Indians 4-H club. Throughout his 4-H career David enjoyed showing dairy and sheep. He became a club leader with the Fairfield Indians, took a little break and is now a leader of the Arlington Ignitors.
In 2002, David, along with two other individuals from the county, made the initial monetary donation to start the Fayette County 4-H Endowment fund. It was at this time that Fayette County started holding a county wide Omelet brunch in which David has helped every year which raises money for the Fayette County 4-H program.
In addition, David served 30 plus years on the Fayette County Extension Council, serving as president and Youth Committee Representative attending monthly meetings, helps at livestock weigh-ins and recently volunteered to serve as the county sheep superintendent.
In 2009, David was selected to serve on the Region 4 Regional Extension Council representing Fayette County in which he attends meetings and reports back to the County Extension council. He has been on the IACEC Board of Directors for 3 years and has just been re- elected to another 3-year term. While on the IACEC Board, Dave has been active on the legislative committee and faithfully attended the annual IACEC Legislative Day for many years, bringing a carload of supporters with him every time.
Staying busy is what David enjoys most as not only is he involved in the Extension and 4-H world but also in his community as he serves on the local church board, is a Legion member, participating and judging open class barbeque contests and judging 4-H exhibits at county fairs. He serves as a Shrine clown parading at local town celebrations throughout Northeast Iowa and enjoys riding Amtrak across the United States to visit his children.
David is a great supporter of ISU Extension (and especially 4-H) wherever he goes, bleeds green and is proud of it as he is often heard saying, “It’s all about the kids, that is why we are here.”
Categories: Fayette