Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 19, 2012 at 9:15 AM by Global Reach

Nancy AdrianNancy Adrian grew up in Washington County as a 4-H member.  Her long 4-H experience started as many do – she was first a 4-H member.  She was active at the county level as a member of county council.  She participated at many State Fair communication events and also State Fair Horse Shows.  She laughs remembering the old truck and trailer travelling to Des Moines.   She camped at the trailer with her dad, siblings and horses the night before in anticipation and preparation.  

She still has a passion for the horse project area as it is a must for her to be at the County Fair Horse Show each year.  As a volunteer she helps keep records for the show, sponsors and passes out horse trophies, feeds or waters the other volunteers – whatever is needed. 
Nancy describes and enjoys 4-H as one giant family.  That’s easy for her to do as she was once a member of the Good Luck 4-H Club, she parented two children through the Good Luck 4-H Club and now has volunteered 22 years as a leader to the Good Luck 4-H Club.   However, it is not that membership that means family to Nancy.  It is how 4-H has supported her during the most trying times. 
Five years ago, Nancy’s husband, Bob, suffered traumatic brain injuries from a fall on the farm.  It resulted in months of ICU sleepless nights, hospital stays, and therapy and rehab appointments.  Her 4-H family came to the rescue and did what they could to keep the Adrian family and farm going.  It was only days after the life-threatening accident before her 4-H family started planning a benefit that ended in thousands and thousands of dollars being gifted to the Adrians. 
One leader said, “Nancy has endured many hardships over the years that many of us would have crumbled and fell to the ground.  Not only has Nancy met the challenges head on, but she has continued to devote herself to the success and development of others.” 
She is able to do this in incredible ways and on a daily basis because she is the office assistant for Washington County Extension.  She has the 4-H background, creative mind, and out-going, friendly personality to make the office and program flourish. 
Families never hesitate to call or stop in with questions as she is able to make them feel like they are the number one priority.  When collecting nominations for this top honor, Nancy was suggested by leaders, parents, and youth committee members.  She impacts everyone in Washington County’s program and touches lives in many ways. 
She is a cheerleader, nurturer, brain stormer, proof reader, janitor, speaker, budgeter, 4-H judge – whatever is needed – she will do it and can do it well.  Washington County 4-H is proud and incredibly blessed to have Nancy Adrian in their 4-H family and now recognized forever through the Iowa State Fair 4-H Hall of Fame.
tribute gift 

Categories: Washington

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