Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 19, 2012 at 9:07 AM by Global Reach

Bernard Dostal The late Bernard R. Dostal’s lifelong commitment to Tama County 4-H programs began when he enrolled in his local 4-H Club as a ten year old.  During the next decade of his ten year membership he completed dairy and purebred litter projects, participated in a wide variety of activities, and served as a local and county 4-H officer.

Three years later, in the fall of 1961, Bernard assumed the leader duties of his local club - - a responsibility he continued for over forty years.  Bernard was never interested in drawing attention or recognition to himself.  The least of his desires was to see his name or picture in the paper for his efforts.  His only concern was what he could do to best help his 4-H Club members.  Chairmanships in Extension or fair board positions meant nothing to him, but he always showed up when work was to be done.  At county fair, he was the one back in the barn that made sure the members, regardless of club, got their dairy heifers to the ring at the right time for the right class and looked good in their “whites”.  Or, that there were extra members ready to hold lambs for the pen of three and club group lamb classes  - -  and, all had on official 4-H tee-shirts.  

What Bernard is best remembered for is the annual birthday calendars he helped his members develop.  Not only was it a tremendous fund raiser, but Bernard used it to help young members learn how to meet the public as he hauled them around to various businesses and farmers to sell ads to finance the project.  Over the years, Bernard’s guidance and perseverance with this project helped the club to literally raise thousands of dollars which was wisely and frugally used to help all the members participate in 4-H activities, finance new activities, provide for innumerable trips, and help with fees for camps and conference.  The funds generated facilitated immeasurable opportunities for his members.  When physical limitations brought a halt to his active leadership duties, Bernard continued to work with his successors on the calendar project.  And, one would be remiss not to mention that every leader in that club since Bernard retired has been a former member of that 4-H club under his tutelage.

Bernard’s more than half a century’s commitment to 4-H youth and related Extension and community service is admirable.  His humble spirit of cooperation, unselfish generosity of time, and personable demeanor made a difference in the Tama County 4-H program, and more importantly, in the lives of his 4-H Club members and their families.  It is with sincere pleasure that we recognize the late Bernard Dostal with this Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame honor.  


tribute gift  

Categories: Tama

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