Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 19, 2012 at 8:44 AM by Global Reach

Janice WalkerMuscatine County’s 2012 inductee into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame is Janice Walker of Nichols.  Janice has been connected to Extension for years in one way or another.  As a youth she was an active member of the Cedar Cheerful Chums 4-H club where she attended State 4-H Conference twice at Iowa State College in Ames.  One of her most memorable events is watching county girl 4-H members carry in the clover chain at the Muscatine County 4 H Girls Rally.

As she grew into adulthood, Janice stayed connected to Extension by serving on the Farm Bureau Young Farmers committee.  When her four children became old enough to join 4-H, Janice became a 4-H club leader of the Pike Peppy Pals a position she enjoyed for over 15 years. 

As an adult, Janice served several times in her township on the nominating committee for Extension Council and eventually became an Extension Council member herself.  From there she joined the county Program Development Committee where she served the 4-H youth of Muscatine County for several years.  Long after her children graduated from 4-H, Janice continues to volunteer for the 4-H program.  In 1993 she built five display boards for 4-H photos at the fair that are still in use today.  For two decades she has served as a judging monitor at the fair, shuffling kids to various judges on 4-H exhibit judging day and continues to volunteer at the fair to this day.

Janice has been a wonderful asset to the 4-H program in Muscatine County.  Her lifelong dedication and commitment to 4-H has certainly earned her the honor of being inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.

tribute gift 

Categories: Muscatine

Congratulations Janice (Grandma)! You have taught me much about animals and my Mom enjoyed 4-H growing up. Your help at the fair has made a difference in many people's lives! Congrats on the award!
Andrew Stastny | 3/20/23 at 3:16 AM
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