Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 18, 2012 at 4:02 PM by Global Reach

Robert & Loy WalkerRobert and Loy Walker have been involved in Iowa County Extension and 4-H programs for many years. Loy grew up in Henry County and exhibited in the areas of clothing, home improvement, communications and beef. As a result of her hard work she gave a presentation at the National Cattle Congress in Waterloo. Loy was a 15 year 4-H leader for the Sumner Sweetheart 4-H Club, served on various local and state Extension Committees, and enjoyed her time as an Iowa State Fair Judge in Clothing and Home Improvement. 

Robert grew up in Ringgold County where he was involved with swine and beef projects. He was a member and county officer for the Kelterton County Hustlers 4-H Club. Robert was the Iowa 4-H State Conservation winner in 1952, he attended the National 4-H Conference in 1953, and was a member of the International Farm Youth Exchange to Pakistan in 1956. For six months in 1958 Robert served as the Youth Assistant in Iowa County. From July of 1958 – 1961, Robert was the Iowa County Extension Director. Robert is still very active in the Iowa State University Southeast Iowa Research Farm in Crawfordsville and has served two terms on the Board of Directors. 
Together Robert and Loy helped their four children become active members within the community by having them join their local 4-H clubs. Throughout their 4-H careers, their children learned from their parents through project work, community involvement and of course, during fair time!  
Even now that the Walker children have completed their 4-H careers, Robert and Loy are still active in the 4-H program. Loy volunteers during the Iowa County Fair and Robert has announced the Swine Show for many years. Three years ago their children started the Walker Acres 4-H Scholarship in their parents honor. 
The Walkers are outstanding examples of 4-H volunteers and Extension supporters. Robert and Loy are always ready to help, they understand the importance of youth learning life skills through 4-H and are positive in their approach in working with others. They have contributed countless hours and dollars to the Iowa County 4-H Foundation and Iowa County Extension. Thank You, Robert and Loy for “Making the Best Better” in the lives of Iowa County youth.    


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