Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 18, 2012 at 3:49 PM by Global Reach

Ron & Mary ReedyRon & Mary Reedy began their 4-H involvement as 4-H members during the 1950’s Mary was a member of the Amity Learning Lassies in Page County and as a member she enjoyed: food projects (canning peaches), art projects (learning about the color wheel), doing demonstrations at the county fair and helping design a new 4-H building at the Page County Fair Grounds.  Mary is one of the fortunate 4-H’ers that knew Jessie Field Shambaugh “The Mother of 4-H”, as her aunt was a member of one of the early clubs started by Mrs. Shambaugh.

Ron was a member of the Corinth Jr. Farmers in Humboldt County. His favorite 4-H activity was exhibiting cattle at the county fair. Club members would tour each other’s farms prior to the fair, holding workshops on prepping animals for exhibition.  Everyone looked forward to the picnic following the tours.  Besides club events and the Humboldt County Fair; Ron especially enjoyed attending 4-H camps.
These passions led Ron & Mary to continue giving back to 4-H time and time again. Ron & Mary have supported the Humboldt County 4-H Program both financially and as dedicated volunteers. Mary enjoyed volunteering as a judge’s assistant at the Humboldt County Fair and with helping with various 4-H workshops and clinics. She greatly enjoyed her time as a chaperone for the Citizenship-Washington Focus trip (1992).
Together they created a scholarship fund to support youth wanting to attend Animal Science Roundup during the State 4-H & Youth Conference. In 2006, Ron & Mary made the first donation to create the Humboldt County 4-H Foundation. Since that initial donation, the foundation has awarded several college scholarships to graduating 4-H seniors, assisted youth attending 4-H camps and trips and supporting clubs with workshop funds.  Ron has worked with each Elevator & Coop in Humboldt County to set up Gift of Grain accounts so farmers can donate grain to the Humboldt County 4-H Foundation.
Ron & Mary believe the 4-H Program builds character and teaches life skills. They are deeply honored to be a part of the program and to be inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame.
tribute gift 

Categories: Humboldt

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