Posted on July 18, 2012 at 3:24 PM by Global Reach
Verlin & Susan Kraft were involved with Guthrie County 4-H for over 30 years. They supported their children through 13 years of 4-H. Their children were involved in goats, sheep, horses, turkey and home economics projects. During this time they also hosted 4-H exchange members from Colorado and Wisconsin.
During those 13 years, Susan served as leader of White Cloverettes and Dodge Dodgers 4-H Club for 7 years. Verlin and Susan both served on the county extension council. Verlin served as assistant sheep superintendent, then as head superintendent until 2008. Susan helped with the paperwork at sheep weigh in before and during fair for all those years. Their daughter, Kim, also served as assistant sheep superintendent during that time. They continue to sponsor sheep trophies for the fair.
Susan managed the 4-H food stand for a number of years. Susan received a 5 year award for 4-H leadership
in 1989. Verlin and Susan were both recognized as county Honorary 4-H members.
The Krafts like to travel in their spare time.
Categories: Guthrie
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