Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on July 18, 2012 at 2:48 PM by Global Reach

Lloyd & Kay Deahl Lloyd Deahl: “When I was the Industrial Arts teacher at West Delaware Schools in 1967, I became interested in the local 4-H program in Delaware County. From that time until the present, I have served as woodworking project leader. Our woodworking meetings have been held at either the West Delaware Middle or High School woodshops. Since we have the cooperation of our local school administration, it has enabled us to keep our local woodworking program active for these many years. Through the years, I have altered the program to better meet the needs of the young people to encourage and maintain their interest in woodworking.

Working with these young people has been rewarding because I have seen the success as they brought their exhibits to our local county fair and watched as many were chosen to advance to the State Fair. I wish to thank the many parents and grandparents for their assistance at the meetings.  Also the help and support of the Delaware County Extension staff has been much appreciated.  Because of the enjoyment, I have experienced these many years, it is my desire to continue being the Woodworking Project Leader in Delaware County.”
Kay Deahl: “I was a 4-H club leader for three and a half years until the responsibilities of maintaining a home, raising three children who were active in sports and a job that required traveling 90 miles a day took so much of my time that I was unable to continue serving as leader. Now, I am the support at home.”
Both of the Deahls have been active in the United Methodist Church.  Kay served as Sunday School teacher, a circle leader and on the funeral committee and as secretary of the Trustees. Lloyd presently serves on the Board of Trustees.
Kay is involved with the Regional Medical Center Auxiliary as Membership Chairman, volunteers in the gift shop and donates time to the American Red Cross Blood Drive.
Lloyd is currently EICA Director in Delaware/Dubuque counties, Secretary-Treasurer for Scenic Valley Area Agency, volunteer at the Delaware County Recreation Center and a Past President of Lions Club.
Our hope is the 4-H experience has been as rewarding for the young people as it has been for us.


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Categories: Delaware

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