Posted on July 18, 2012 at 2:06 PM by Global Reach

4-H club between the 80’s and 90’s. Since that time she has served in several roles to help youth in Buchanan County.
Most people know Kaye because of her role as the trophy coordinator for the Buchanan County 4-H/FFA Fair. She spends countless hours securing and arranging for over 300 trophies each year. She attends livestock committee meetings to discuss trophy needs, then sends letters to potential sponsors. She matches donors with a trophy. She prepares labels with the name and mailing address of each sponsor attaching to each trophy so the recipient can write a thank you note to the sponsor. If there are any errors or missing trophies – Kaye personally delivers those to the exhibitor after the fair. Two months prior to the fair in 2008 her house, hog buildings, and farm equipment were destroyed in a tornado, but Kaye insisted that she could still handle arranging the trophies – and she did!
In addition to the trophies, Kaye supports Buchanan County 4-H by ensuring the annual pie auction has enough supporters to purchase the pies. She will often recruit buyers, purchase a pie for them, and deliver their pie the next day. Since this is the only fundraiser for the Buchanan County 4-H program, it is important that we have plenty of buyers for the pies.
Kaye served on the Buchanan County Fair Board for many years and made the
4-H program her priority. She made sure the exhibitors would not be wrongly impacted by any decisions made during the meetings. Although she has retired from the board, she still helps with events. Recently the county fair board has been working very hard on fundraising to re-wire the livestock barns so there are more outlets for fans. Kaye volunteers to help at the fish fry suppers and other events that support the improvement of the fairgrounds so our 4-H members have a place to continue exhibiting in the future.
4-H program her priority. She made sure the exhibitors would not be wrongly impacted by any decisions made during the meetings. Although she has retired from the board, she still helps with events. Recently the county fair board has been working very hard on fundraising to re-wire the livestock barns so there are more outlets for fans. Kaye volunteers to help at the fish fry suppers and other events that support the improvement of the fairgrounds so our 4-H members have a place to continue exhibiting in the future.
For many years, Kaye was an active member of the 4-H swine committee. She helped organize the spring weigh-in by recording data and ensuring that everything was done correctly to make it fair for all exhibitors. At the fair she would either be in the barn helping exhibitors get ready, in the holding area making sure all of the pigs were accounted for, or in the arena assisting with paperwork.
Kaye has become a “mother” to many 4-H members over the years. She isn’t afraid to stand up for the 4-H members and will always lend a helping hand to any youth that needs it. There are just not enough words to express what she means to the past, present, and future 4-H members in Buchanan County.
Categories: Buchanan
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