Posted on August 30, 2011 at 1:23 PM by Global Reach
Nearly sixty years ago, Leo and Catherine Beary began their involvement with the Monroe County 4-H program when, in 1951, Leo became co-leader of the newly formed Weller Champions 4-H Club. A few years later, Catherine became a leader for her daughters’ home economics club, the Union Leaderettes. Her participation in leaders workshops and adult training programs made her a valuable resource not only for her daughters but for her club members and other 4-Hers as well. Leo served on the Monroe County Fair Board in the early 1950’s when land was purchased for the fair grounds and was a beef superintendent for many years, both Leo and Catherine were long time 4-H leaders, served on the county 4-H Committee, were named as honorary 4-H members, and continued to support and promote 4-H even after their “retirement from active 4-H service”.
With the support and encouragement of their parents, all six of their children Jim, Don, Marge, Mary Kay, Rita, and Gene showed beef as members of the Weller Champions. Mary Kay and Rita were also members of the Union Leaderettes. All served on numerous committees, held offices, won awards, and greatly benefited from the 4-H experience. While Jim and Mary Kay became 4-H leaders—Jim for the Weller Champions, Mary Kay for the Clever Clovers in Lee county—all of their children have followed the example set by their parents of being totally involved with their children and grandchildren’s activities. Ten of nineteen grandchildren were or are in 4-H and two great-grandchildren are now 4-H members carrying on the “4-H tradition” in the Beary family.
Leo and Catherine truly strived to “Make the Best Better” through involvement with their family, church, and community. They lived the 4-H pledge and by example taught the value of the 4-H slogan “To win without bragging to lose without squealing”. Catherine recently summed up what 4-H has meant to her family when she said “we’ve all learned a lot from 4-H”.
Categories: Monroe