Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 1:36 PM by Global Reach

2011 Keokuk CountyConnie Sieren has twenty plus years working with youth in the 4-H program. She served as a local club co-leader and also as a Keokuk County Committee representative.

As a leader she strived to give individualized attention to each member; helping with sewing, cooking, and home improvement during the designated years. She always attended leaders’ training meetings so as to bring the latest information and help to the members. One of the more ambitious community service projects of the Friendly Fayette 4-H Club was to ask every household in Keota to fill out and store a Vial of Life information list for emergencies.

She taught the skills needed to compose an informative and eye-catching poster, the steps necessary to plan a demonstration, and the reasons for keeping accurate and complete records. These were all part of the 4-H experience.

When she was elected to the Keokuk County Expo Fair Board, and served as president several years, her interest in the 4-H program and members grew. She continued to work with the youth of the county, their exhibits, programs, and judging. First and foremost, the most important aspect of the fair was always to provide a place to showcase the accomplishments of the area young people.

tribute gift

Categories: Keokuk

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