Posted on August 30, 2011 at 1:40 PM by Global Reach
Dean Ward, from Ladora is this year’s Iowa County 2011 Hall of Fame nominee.
Dean has been a 4-H’er, a 4-H parent, 4-H leader and fair superintendent. Dean was a 7 year member of the Fairview Zippers 4-H Club, where he exhibited hogs and dairy cattle.
Dean’s next step in volunteering to the Iowa County 4-H Program, he served as a 15 year 4-H club leader for the H&H 4-H Club. Most recently, Dean is completing his 22nd year as a Sheep Superintendent.
In 1982, Dean was recognized as an Honorary Iowa County 4-H Member.
Dean loves to give his time and talents to the youth of Iowa County. The Extension Staff would like to thank Dean for “Making the Best Better” for 4-H in Iowa County.
Categories: Iowa