Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 1:55 PM by Global Reach

2011 Fayette CountyKen & Evelyn Vagts of Eldorado have been involved in the Fayette County 4-H Program for many years.  Evelyn and Kenny are the parents of seven children, 20 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren with all of their children and several of their grandchildren being members of 4-H. 

Evelyn became a 4-H club leader for the Diligent Doverettes in 1972 where she encouraged club members to enroll in the leadership project area and be involved not only at the club level but also the county and state levels. She served as a leader until 1981 and during that time several of her members served on the county 4-H council, participated at the Iowa State Fair and earned several state awards. Evelyn’s philosophy as a leader was to give each and every member a chance to make decisions and voice their opinions. She was extremely supportive and worked alongside of the members helping them complete exhibits, put up the county fair booth and fill out record books. She hauled members around in their family station wagon to numerous 4-H events. Yet today, during the Fayette County fair, Evelyn assists on non-livestock judging day as she dispersing the premium monies to the 4-H members after judging is complete.

Her husband, Kenny, never served as a club leader but was very helpful in helping Evelyn with many activities and serving on the Fayette County Fair Board for 21 years. Kenny spent numerous hours preparing the fairgrounds, buildings and Clover Café (4-H food stand) while awaiting the arrival of the 4-H projects and youth. Although a retired Fairboard member, Kenny continues to help each year with minor repairs and especially enjoys helping in the rabbit/poultry building.

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Categories: Fayette

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