Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 2:04 PM by Global Reach

2011 Clayton CountyLarry Landsgard is an advocate for young people to become involved in 4-H and other youth organizations.  Growing up Larry was not a member of 4-H, but over the last 38 years has become very involved. Larry started out by helping with the county fair horse show in in 1973.  He soon became the county horse project leader and for 30 years held clinics in showmanship, halter, clipping, confirmation, riding and tack adjusting and cleaning. When Larry first started helping with the horse show not many horses were exhibited. With Larry’s guidance and encouragement the show grew. At its largest numbers, the show had over 150 horses entered.

Larry farms near the tiny village of Gunder in Clayton County.  The Lands-Brook dairy consists of 50 registered Holsteins, Milking Shorthorns and Ayrshires. Larry’s three nephews and niece were all 4-H members growing up and exhibited dairy cattle at the county, state and national levels. 

Currently Larry is one of the county’s dairy judging coaches and over the years has coached many winning teams.  Each summer Larry helps organize the weekly Wednesday night judging workouts at local dairy farms.

He is very active in the Holstein Association and other dairy organizations. He is a member of the county, state and national Holstein Association where he has held numerous leadership positions. Larry has served as the chair of the Junior Holstein Advisory Committee twice.   He is a charter member of the Clayton County Dairy Promotion Committee and is currently serving as president. Larry has served as a board member and president of the Clayton County D.H.I.A. Board.  He is also a member of the Northeast Iowa Dairy Foundation.

Larry is an active member of the Marion Lutheran Church in Gunder, where he is currently serving as council president. He is also active in the church choir.

Many people enjoy Larry’s company as he has a wealth of Holstein cattle information, local history and dairy trivia. He livens up any conservation or road trip with his knowledge.  He is a friend to everyone and seems to know people wherever he goes.

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Categories: Clayton

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