Posted on August 19, 2011 at 11:32 AM by Global Reach
Jim Patton retired July 1, 2011, after serving two years as ISU Regional Extension Education Director for Region 7 (Hamilton, Humboldt, Webster and Wright Counties) and as ISU Webster County Extension Education Director, from 1995-2009.
While with ISU Extension, he was founding staff member of Agriculture-Environmental Classroom. During its first 16 years, more than 15,000 fifth-graders from four counties participated in the award winning program. Jim has worked with 4-H families and volunteers at the county fair and has accompanied 4-Hers to Junior Camp, Omaha Zoo, National 4-H Congress, and Citizenship Washington Focus. He’s served as reference for 4-Hers seeking international study and scholarship opportunities.
As County Extension Education Director, he helped the Webster County office significantly improve its financial position, relocate to its current location at the Crossroads Mall in Fort Dodge, update and expand program offerings, emphasize area-wide partnerships and extensive staff networking. As liaison to the Webster County 4-H Foundation, he met quarterly with directors to plan for future gifts. He was instrumental in implementing the Webster County 4-H Foundation Endowment so donations may support Webster County 4-H for many years to come.
Jim served as Trustee and President of the Iowa 4-H Foundation. During his tenure, Joe Leisz, the current Iowa 4-H Foundation Executive Director, and John Roosa, the current Director of the Iowa 4-H Center, were hired.
An eight-year member of the Delaware County, Iowa, Adams Bombs 4-H Club, Jim showed sheep/beef and was active in leadership programs. As an Iowa State University student, Jim was active in Campus
4-H and in 1967, supervised the Iowa State Fair Boys 4-H Dormitory.
Jim and his wife, Diane (an Iowa 4-H President), have two married sons (both of whom were 4-Hers) and two grandchildren.
Categories: Webster
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