Posted on August 19, 2011 at 12:21 PM by Global Reach
Many things in 4-H have changed -- livestock numbers have shifted, buildings and volunteers have come and gone, 4-H’ers have grown-up, gone, and come back, but one face has been a constant at the Sioux County Youth Fair, Harlan Lammers.
Serving as a swine superintendent for 33 years, Harlan is one of those people who never lets people get to him- he stays calm and collected when no one else is. He is one of the hardest workers you’ll ever know. He is a pleasure to work with, and always has the best interest of the youth in mind. He continues to serve as an active member of the Sioux County Fair Board. He is always present at clean-up days, both before and after the fair. If someone asks for help, Harlan is there.
Harlan is a true example of what it means to be a 4-H volunteer. He’s hardworking and selfless, always looking for the interest of others. He is willing to do the work without concern of who will get the credit. The 4-H program depends on caring adults, like Harlan, to help “make the best better.”
Categories: Sioux
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