Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 10:52 AM by Global Reach

LeRoy McClintockLeRoy was raised on a family farm where they milked cows, raised chickens, pigs, sheep, rabbits, and crops.  After his family moved to Winneshiek County he was asked to join 4-H and became an active member for 7 years. His projects included gardening, trees, forestry, woodworking, farm safety, tractor, and dairy heifer. He has had rabbits since he was a little - always enjoyed them. Today he still has over 100 rabbits - enjoys feeding, raising and selling. He enjoys watching others enjoy rabbits as much as he does and watching the shows at the fair.  Woodworking projects were 4-H exhibits for many years - now he enjoys making homemade toys for grandchildren and using his skills in various projects.
LeRoy is self-employed in feed and Watkins sales, DHIA milk testing, and hobby farming. He has been actively involved with the Winneshiek County Cattlemen's Association for 20+ years.  He began selling feed and found the correct ration to help his son and daughter win Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef Steers in 1992 at the Winneshiek County Fair. Over the years his children have also won Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion in various rabbit classes.  He always encouraged and supported his 3 children to be involved and achieve great honors in the 4-H program.
He has been on the Pinebluff Foundation 4-H Camp Board Member for 40+ years where he has been involved with many improvements and re-construction projects through the years.
He and his son, Randy, recently restored his father's 1954 John Deere B tractor and he is enjoying driving in parades and pulling wagons for hay rides.
He has been a 4-H leader for 45 years for the Pleasant Pushers, Madison Hustlers, and currently the Madison 4-H'ers.   He enjoys helping others, teaching others and to spending time with others.

LeRoy enjoyed 4-H for over 50 years and has enjoyed seeing it grow and develop since 1960.

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Categories: Winneshiek

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