Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 11:42 AM by Global Reach

Donald AndersenDon grew up in a family with a very strong 4-H tradition.  He became a member of his local club, the Monroe Standbys, as soon as he was old enough.  During his 4-H years, he held many offices and participated in a variety of local and county activities.  Fair was a highlight of the year for this rural family as the children showed livestock and had other exhibits.

After Don married, he farmed for a few years, then took an off-the-farm job and moved his family to Harlan in the late sixties.  He served as a 4-H leader for a few years for a group of town boys, including his son, who learned that 4-H includes much more than agriculture and showing livestock.  He is a long-time 4-H superintendent for small pets.

Don has served on the Shelby County Fair Board for 28 years, most of those years as treasurer.  Whenever anything needs to be done at the fairgrounds, you can count on Don being one of the first to volunteer.  The Shelby County Fair Board’s philosophy is that the fair is for the kids and the Andersen family firmly believes that 4-H and the fair are good for people and bring people closer together.

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Categories: Shelby

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