Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 12:25 PM by Global Reach

Jerry WeissJerry Weiss was nominated by Pocahontas County for the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame, but shares his talents in many counties throughout the state. 

Jerry started his career at ISUE in 1984 as an Agriculturist housed in the Buena Vista County office.  In 1991 he began as a Swine Field Specialist covering 22 counties throughout Iowa.  Jerry has been an active teacher of Food Safety and Quality Assurance training for many 4-H’ers exhibiting livestock at county and state fairs.  Jerry has been active in the 4-H State Conference for many years in the Livestock Round-Up session.  County fairs have relied on Jerry for help with their Swine shows.  Jerry has been a key role in special swine classes in Buena Vista, Monona and Pocahontas County teaching 4-H’ers the different aspects of swine production.  Before the shows happen Jerry has spent countless days weighing in pigs and verifying for county shows as well as the Iowa State Fair. 

Many counties call on Jerry for their spring safety days and agriculture days.  Jerry teaches the importance of safe livestock production as well as safety around livestock.  Jerry has served as an assistant Horse Superintendent at the Iowa State Fair and as a Horse and Swine superintendent at AKSARBEN.

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Categories: Pocahontas

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