Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 12:51 PM by Global Reach

Vaughn and Patricia FaberVaughn and Patricia Faber of rural Blakesburg have lived on their farm in Monroe County, Iowa for the past sixty-three years.  They purchased their first farm in the fall of 1947, the same year they were married following Vaughn’s return from the military service in the South Pacific during World War II.  The Fabers have raised swine, cattle, chickens, sheep and operated a dairy over the years along with their row crop operation.

Vaughn was raised on a southeast Monroe County farm.  During that time Vaughn and his younger brothers had the opportunity to belong to 4-H.  When Vaughn and Patricia became parents, their children also had an opportunity to become 4-H members and Vaughn and Patricia spent over 15 years as 4-H Leader’s in Urbana Township and were involved with the Monroe County Fair and shared many hours of enjoyment with their ten children.

Vaughn served on the first Monroe County Extension Council and was a member of the Monroe County Fairboard.  Patricia received leader recognition in 1966 and continued to serve as a committee member for years after. 

Both Vaughn and Patricia are proud to say that they have had children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren involved in the 4-H program.

tribute gift

Categories: Monroe

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