Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 1:38 PM by Global Reach

Vernon and Corinne BancroftVernon has a rich history in the 4-H program beginning when he became a member of the Paton Pioneers and showed beef, dairy and hogs at the county and state fairs.  In his 4-H career, he served on the boys’ county council, attended 4-H camp, participated in the Washington Washington-Focus trip, and earned the 4H Alumni pin.  His love for the 4-H program is still evident today as he continues to serve the youth of Greene County as a volunteer for the sheep program and livestock auctions, and in helping with continuous improvements to the county fairgrounds.  Vernon has judged several Iowa 4-H shows throughout the years, and has assisted with 4-H livestock judging contests. 

Corinne was not a member of 4-H as a youth, but has since earned the 4-H Honorary Member pin for her dedicated work with the 4-H program in Greene County as an adult.  She served on the County Youth Committee and has volunteered with improvement projects to the horse arena on the Greene County Fairgrounds. 

In 1972, Vernon and Corinne were asked to be leaders for the Greene County 4-H Buckaroos horse club, and they have been faithfully volunteering in that position ever since.  In addition they served as horse superintendents for the Greene County Fair from 1973 through 2004.  Their heart for the youth of Greene County is apparent in the dedication they have given to the 4-H program, the horse club, and to individual members and families throughout their thirty-eight years of service!

In 1998, the Bancroft’s were accepted onto the State 4-H Equine Advisory Board, and they continue to serve in that role today—where Corinne is currently the vice-chairperson.  Vernon and Corinne began working with the Iowa State Fair 4-H Horse Show in 1999 and have continued to help ever since. The couple received the “Friend of 4-H” Award from the Greene County 4-H Program in 1983, and are still considered very valued and respected volunteers.

Vernon and Corinne’s favorite things about being a volunteer for the 4-H Program has been the enjoyment they have gotten from helping youth with their projects—whether horse, sheep or calves.  They feel it has been very rewarding getting to know the families (some generation-to-generation!) from across the great state of Iowa. 

Throughout their many years of service, the Bancroft’s have influenced the lives of several hundred youth!  The Greene County 4-H Program will forever be grateful for the heartfelt dedication of Vernon and Corinne, and for the positive impact they have had on the program as a whole!

tribute gift

Categories: Greene

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