Posted on April 21, 2011 at 2:23 PM by Global Reach
Arnola’s involvement and interest in 4-H goes back to when she was a 4-H member in Fayette County. That’s when the 4-H girls wore blue, long –sleeved, middy style uniforms.
4-H has always been a special part of her life whether it is as a 4-H parent, leader, fair judge, volunteer or mentor. She was a leader in Bremer County for 3 years and in Black Hawk County for 16 years. For the last 25 years she has been judging at county fairs and also at State Fair. Visual Arts, Home Improvement, Foods and Nutrition, Clothing/Fashion Review and Communications are some of her areas of expertise. She says “It is such a joy to listen to the 4-H’ers explain about their projects. She learns right along with the 4-H’ers.
Arnola and her husband Wayne live on a farm near Fairbank. All three of their girls were active 4-H’ers on the county and state levels.
Arnola has served on the Black Hawk County Home Economics Committee, Black Hawk County Extension Council, Black Hawk County 4-H and FFA Fair Foundation, and Black Hawk County Conservation Board. Church and community service play an important role in her daily life. At church she teaches Sunday school, Bible School and serves on the Church Council.
A graduate of Upper Iowa University, Arnola has taught in area schools and still does substitute teaching. She has taught classes and given programs on various interests including basket weaving, cake decorating, antiques, holiday decorating, gardening, crafting for children and food preparation.
Traveling, volunteering, and especially grand-parenting when she has spare time. Arnola says “4-H has been life long learning for her. From the time she was a member to when she attends the 4-H training sessions to talking with the 4-H’ers at the fairs, she is always learning something new that she can apply to her living or to share with others. The 4-H motto “ To make the best better “ goes right along with her philosophy she lives by and always tells her students, “ Always do the best you can with what you have wherever you are.”
Categories: Black Hawk