Posted on April 21, 2011 at 2:28 PM by Global Reach
The Allamakee County 4-H & Youth Committee is proud to recognize Betty Howe as the 2010 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductee from Waukon. Betty was selected for her outstanding service and dedication to the Allamakee County 4-H Program.
Betty began her 4-H career when she became a leader of the Makee Meadowlarks 4-H Club in 1977. “She enrolled us in 4-H because she felt 4-H was a good program,” said Betty’s daughter, Vicki Schutte. During her 4-H career, she has shared her knowledge of home economics with many young ladies, including her five daughters, Kim, Karla, Kristi, Vicki, and Mary Beth. 4-H roots run deep in the Howe blood, for four of Betty’s daughters and one son have followed in her footsteps and served as club leaders and volunteers.
4-H has become a family tradition for the Howe family for eight of the nine Howe children participated in 4-H, including three sons, Mark, Kevin, and Kenny. The youngest son, Jason, served as an honorary 4-H’er by helping his older brothers and sisters prepare for the fair each year. This tradition continues for Betty’s sixteen grandchildren who are actively involved in the 4-H Program. Even though Betty is no longer a 4-H volunteer, she still takes time to share her expertise with her grandchildren as she helps them prepare their 4-H exhibits each year.
Betty’s service to the 4-H Program emphasizes the mission of the 4-H Hall of Fame, for her dedication, encouragement, commitment, and guidance to the 4-H Program has enhanced many Allamakee County 4-H’ers lives.
Categories: Allamakee