Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 2:29 PM by Global Reach

Joan HaleyJoan Haley is in at least her second go-around of service to Adams County Extension and the Adams County 4-H program. As a youth, Joan was an active 4-Her in Adams County as a member of the Loyal Lassies 4-H club. In that Nodaway-area 4-H club, Joan especially focused on learning cooking and wood refinishing skills. Joan is a very creative, energetic, and artistic person. Through all of her adult years, she brought those creative skills that she learned in 4-H to her family and continues to bring them to the present-day Adams County 4-H program throughout the year. One example is Joan’s ceramic painting workshops at the annual Adams County 4-H Project Fair. Her sessions are always very popular and filled with young 4-Hers.

Joan also used this creativity and enthusiasm for 4-H in raising her family of 3 girls. Married to James Haley for nearly 51 years, Joan brought her love for 4-H to their three daughters and their families. Daughter Jolene counted 4-H contributions from the Haley family to be well over 100 years of 4-H support in Adams County. This support has come in the form of 4-H club members, 4-H club leaders, 4-H project leaders, 4-H superintendents, extension committee members, Youth committee members, 4-H Fair queen candidates, and the production of two Adams County Fair Queens.

At age 76, Joan is currently serving out her second term on the Adams County Extension Council and continues to serve on the Adams County Youth and 4-H/FFA Fair committee. One of Joan’s creative contributions to the Adams County Fair 4-H program is the development of a “graduating senior 4-Hers” recognition display. Joan continues to pitch-in wherever needed with Adams County extension and 4-H programs and was chosen by the Adams County Youth and 4-H committee as the Adams County 4-H Hall of Fame inductee for 2010.


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