Posted on April 19, 2011 at 12:11 PM by Global Reach
Nancy Nickel Bellon was a member of the Corydon Happy Hustlers 4-H Club in Wayne County, Iowa, for nine years. Before becoming a 4-H member, Nancy attended 4-H meetings and activities as a young girl with her mother, Velma Jane Nickel, who was a club leader. After her marriage to Donnie Bellon, settling in Wayne County, and becoming the mother of five children, Nancy served as a leader of the Corydon Clover Powerettes 4-H Club. Nancy has also been a member of the 4-H County Committee. She continues to help evaluate 4-H record books in Lucas County, and assists every year at the County Fair in the 4-H exhibit building with the judging and project displays. Nancy’s five children were all 4-H members in Wayne County. She and Donnie now enjoy watching their grandchildren exhibit at the county and state fairs. Nancy is a long-time supporter of 4-H and strongly believes in the valuable skills and success awarded to 4-H members.
Categories: Wayne