Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 12:13 PM by Global Reach

2009 Warren County - Donna SeregDonna Sereg has taught and been involved in 4-H activities for over twenty years.  She is a true example of dedication to the community and its youth.  Building character and being involved with young adults has been her goal and her vision.
Mrs. Sereg was a 4-H leader for 15 years.  During her leadership, she researched crafts and fun projects for her members.  She enjoyed finding activities in which her members could use their imagination.  One activity was an “I spy” jar which consisted of hiding items in a jar filled with birdseed.  This was an especially fun activity, which even allowed members to win a blue ribbon and make it to the State Fair.  “Healthy habits,” “Dress for Success,” and career building opportunities were her favorite projects, often saying,
“I just want to build responsibility and give these kids a chance to succeed.”
Along with inspired projects, Mrs. Sereg went the extra “mile” to help her members attend meetings.  She often picked children up and returned them to their homes so they wouldn’t miss meetings. Regularly visiting craft stores to see the latest and greatest ideas, she reached into her own pockets to purchase many materials and supplies.  This was her way to ensure “her kids” had every opportunity to be involved.
For the past five years, Mrs. Sereg has been unable to teach.  That, however, hasn’t stopped her involvement with Warren County’s 4-H youth.  Every year she assists in the record-keeping at the Fair.  She notes each member’s name, along with the ribbons earned.  She so enjoys greeting the members and visiting with other 4-H group leaders throughout the day of judging.  She makes herself available in any way she can.
Not only is Mrs. Sereg an indefatigable volunteer for the 4-H community, as an active member of both St. Thomas Aquinas in Indianola, and of St. Elizabeth Seton in Carlisle, she has taught Religious Education for over thirty years.  She secretly purchases gifts to be given to young children in both churches and wishes only to remain anonymous! (Her secret is out!)  While donating these gifts, she also sends congratulatory card to seniors and a card to each child in their first Communion class.
Mrs. Sereg demonstrates kindness, true generosity and an unveiling gift of caring to others.

Tribute Gift

Categories: Warren

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