Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 12:55 PM by Global Reach

2009 Polk County - Don & Cheryl TimminsDon and Cheryl Timmins have been involved in 4H since young children as they both participated in their county 4H clubs in Iowa.  Don was a member of Southern Hustlers 4H club in Jasper County.  Cheryl was raised on a farm in Wapello County and was a member of Pleasant U & I (girls club) for 8 years and Southeast Wapello (boys club) for 5 years, showing cattle and entering exhibits in the Exhibit Building.  She then was elected president of Wapello County 4-H in 1963.  In Polk County, Cheryl started as an assistant leader and later the organizational leader of the Four Mile Lassies and later of the Altoona Hustling Herdsmen. She continues to be a project leader with the Altoona Hustling Herdsmen.  Over the past 30 years Don has been an assistant leader, the club’s organizational leader, and still is active in the club as a project leader with the Altoona Hustling Herdsmen.  Together they have been the Swine Co-Superintendents for the Polk County 4-H and FFA Fair for over 15 years.  Don has also been a member of the Polk County 4-H and FFA Fair Board for over 15 years.  Their children are following their great leadership and volunteerism by being club organizational leaders and project leaders for Polk County 4H.

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