Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 1:20 PM by Global Reach

2009 Mills County - LaVerne & Pam ObrechtLaVerne and Pam Obrecht have made significant contributions to the Mills County 4-H program over the past 51 years. LaVerne was a 7 year 4-H member in Shelby County.   His primary project was Shorthorn cattle which started with his first heifer named “Dutchess”.  LaVerne held every office in his 4-H club, and was selected as County President.  He also competed at the State Fair in beef and showmanship.  The LaVerne Obrecht Award was established in Shelby County, and has been given for 55 years to the Outstanding Senior 4-H Boy. 

LaVerne served as the Mills County Extension Education Director for 40 years.  He is dedicated to
supporting the 4-H program and helping youth develop skills and achieve success along the way.

Pam has been a 4-H leader and volunteer for 25 years.  She has been a passionate advocate of the horse project at the local and state levels.  Pam continues to assist with the county horse project today, sharing her expertise with youth and adults in the program.  She served on the State Horse Project Task Force to develop the 4-H Horseless Horse Project, and co-authored the project book.  She cultivated a strong Horseless Horse project in Mills County in which horse loving youth continue to participate in currently.

LaVerne and Pam have led multiple Citizen Washington Focus trips to Washington, D.C. starting in the 1960’s.  They have judged 4-H projects at many different county fairs and at the Iowa State Fair.  
They raised two children, Darren and Adam, who were 9 year 4-H members and have served on many 4-H councils at local and state levels.

LaVerne and Pam believe in the powerful, lifelong impact of the 4-H program.  They represent the true meaning of the hands of 4-H as they continue to volunteer and support 4-H’ers and their families locally.  In addition, they provide financial support for the local and state programs.  They are committed to helping youth who would not be able to gain the benefits of 4-H without their assistance.  

We are pleased to recognize LaVerne and Pam Obrecht as Mills County’s newest inductees into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.  Congratulations!

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Categories: Mills

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