Posted on April 19, 2011 at 2:34 PM by Global Reach
Kent and Kristy Hugeback were leaders of the Aspinwall Achievers 4-H Club for seventeen years, before handing the club over to new leaders. Kristy was a 4-H member, so when she and her husband, Kent took over the club, it was not a surprise to them on much involvement was needed. Although, Kristy had an interest in 4-H, she never thought she and her husband would be leaders to a 4-H club soon tobe fifty member or more. Kent and Kristy took over the Aspinwall Achievers 4-H club in 1992, when the past leaders were going to let the club dissolve. The hated to see this happen, so they became the faithful leaders of the club.
Throughout their years of being leaders, Kent and Kristy led the club in many community service projects. One of the major ones the club did annually was adopt-a-highway. The club received the governor’s award in recognition for their dedication to the adopt-a-highway program, while under the leadership of Kent and Kristy.
Since all of Kent and Kristy’s kids are graduated and done with 4-H, they are no longer leaders. Although they handed the club over to new leaders, they are still involved with the 4-H program. They are more than willing to help with anything the club and county need help with. Kent and Kristy have always believed 4-H was important to keep going, and through their determination, the club and 4-H program has had increased popularity in the area.
Categories: Crawford