Posted on April 19, 2011 at 2:49 PM by Global Reach
John C. Hogan was a co-founder of the Middlefield Hustlers 4-H club in Buchanan County in 1943. This club is still in existence today and is very active in the community. John C. and his friends decided to start the club when 4-H was just being introduced into the county. He graduated from high school six years later in 1949. He worked at the Farmers Bank in Independence until he served in the Korean War. In 1955, John C. married and started farming. At that time he became the 4-H leader of the Middlefield Hustlers group until 1980. He was a postmaster in Winthrop from 1965 until he retired in 1991.
Today he is living on the same farm where he was born. He remains involved with the Middlefield Hustlers 4-H Club by giving demonstrations for the group. John C. also enjoys that he was part of the lives of many young men while he served as a leader. “His boys,” as he refers to all of the members of the Middlefield Hustlers, have grown into outstanding men within their communities; some have become doctors, lawyers, and business owners. One thing he has always valued and encouraged 4-H members to do is give demonstrations. John C. thought that learning how to speak in front of a group of people was a very important skill to learn. That really showed through as his club had members participating on the State Fair Demonstration Team for 12 consecutive years.
John C. has been involved in many different areas of 4-H and in many other organizations throughout the years. H has contributed to: Buchanan County Extension Council, Beef Producers, Buchanan County Cancer Drive (chairman), Winthrop C&C Club (president), East Buchanan Foundation Board, St. Patrick’s Board, Buffalo Creek Golf Course, and the East Buchanan Telephone Board. Many people have benefited from all of John C.’s contributions to the town of Winthrop and to Buchanan County.
John C. was nominated by the 2008-2009 Middlefield Hustlers 4-H club as a way of showing him how much they appreciate all of his hard work.
Categories: Buchanan