Posted on April 19, 2011 at 3:03 PM by Global Reach
Clete Swackhamer joined the Appanoose County Extension staff in 1983 as the County Extension Education Director. His goal was to provide quality service to his clients, that included hundreds of 4-H members. He has kept to that goal by working to provide timely responses to those seeking Extension assistance and by working to keep 4-H strong. Clete has also encouraged more programs for youth within Appanoose County and has enjoyed many days bating hooks and removing fish for our youth active in Fishing Club. Clete has seen many changes both in Extension and in 4-H over the years. New programs, new categories at the fair, and new buildings to house the increase in projects by our county youth. He has seen his two children also earn ribbons and trophies at the fairs and hopes to see his granddaughter enjoy 4-H as well. Clete may say he is “just doing his job”, but what makes that notable and as a positive role model for our youth.
Categories: Appanoose