Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 10:22 AM by Global Reach

2008 Louisa County - Terry and Janice PughTerry and Janice Pugh of Columbus City have lived on a little ‘mini farm’ for 34 years. Raising sheep and seeing the beauty of each new baby lamb born in the spring. From the births to the bottle-fed the couple have enjoyed this chore together and share their interest of raising sheep and lambs with their
4-H youngsters.

Both the Pughs were active in 4-H as kids, Terry had been involved in the Columbus City Wildcats first as a member, then a junior leader and now their leader for 30 years. Janice had been a member of the Conesville Lucky Clovers Club. She became a leader of the Cloverleaf Club with the late, Nancy Brown when Janice’s daughter, Tara joined 4-H at the age of 8. Janice has dedicated 25 years to 4-H.

Both agree that watching the kids compete during the fairs both local and state made them feel really proud to be involved. “It is always interesting to be at the State Fair and have ‘City Folk’ ask really weird questions,” laughs Janice.

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Categories: Louisa

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