Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 10:45 AM by Global Reach

2008 Greene County - Marilyn E. AllenderMarilyn was a 4-H member for 7 years, leader for 15 and has been a judge at all levels (local achievement shows, county fairs and state fair) for 55 year total—and is still active.  She chaperoned everything from local trips to Des Moines, up to the Washington DC trip.  She led a training presentation for leaders and judges at the DMACC Boone campus; received the 2002 Greene County 4-H Alumni Award and has been a co-chair for the 4-H food stand at the county fair.  

Marilyn’s positive, encouraging and caring attitude helped 4-Hers of all ages to truly “make the best better” individually by helping youth to achieve the very best that they are capable of.  One nomination form states, “Marilyn was a big believer in 4-H—what it stands for and the pride that comes in completing a project, large or small, to the best of our abilities.”  Another states, “Marilyn E. Allender is a very worthy recipient of the 4-H hall of Fame Award, not only for all she has already done, but for what she continues to do at the county and state fair level of competition in the judging capacity at age 79.”

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Categories: Greene

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