Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 10:57 AM by Global Reach

2008 Emmet County - Nancy and Kieth RosburgKeith and Nancy Rosburg have been extraordinary contributors to the Emmet County 4-H program for many years.  They were both active 4-H members as youth and have done their share of giving back to the program as alumni.  

Keith has been a 4-H club leader, member of the Emmet County 4-H and Youth Committee and 4-H Foundation Committee, has assisted with many countywide events and workshops, and was a member of the county swine committee.  

Nancy has volunteered as a 4-H leader, member of the 4-H and Youth Committee, fair volunteer, and has assisted with many county events, workshops, and trips.  

They are always willing to step up and drive a group of 4-H’ers to an event or volunteer their time to chaperone trips.  From the smallest jobs to leading fundraising campaigns, Keith and Nancy have done it all!  Our thanks go out to them for being an example of what it means to make a difference in the lives of youth through the 4-H program!

Tribute Gift

Categories: Emmet

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