Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 11:04 AM by Global Reach

Marlene and Jim ScottJim Scott talking to childJim and wife Marlene have both been active, long-time supporters of the 4-H program in Decatur County. Jim, a former club member (1946-54), has served in various leadership roles since 1961. He has been a club leader or assistant  leader over a 20 year period; serving on various county 4-H program committees, and mentoring numerous youth over the years, including many at-risk or learning-challenged youth from his special ed teaching classroom, who got the opportunity to care, manage and exhibit beef cattle from his farm near Leon.

Marlene has assisted Jim over the years, also serving as a club leader or assistant club leader at various times, and mentoring many youth in FCS and Personal Development projects.  Marlene served as an FCS teacher in local school systems for many years.

Most of these youth would probably not have joined 4-H nor had the desire, physical and economical means or ability to carry these projects without the caring and involvement of Jim and Marlene. They literally have turned many kids’ lives around. For a number of years Jim has been the show ring announcer and EMCEE at the county fair, announcing virtually all county fair youth livestock shows, “Bottle Baby” shows, Celebrity Steer Show and Parade of Champions. In appreciation for his years of service and devotion, the Decatur County Fair Board renamed and dedicated the livestock show-ring the “Jim Scott Livestock Pavilion” in his honor in 2006.

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Categories: Decatur

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