Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 15, 2011 at 11:12 AM by Global Reach

2008 Warren County - John KeeneyJohn Keeney’s 8 year 4-H career started his connection with the 4-H program.  He and his wife Janet also helped their daughters Melissa and Anna Marie with their livestock projects through their years in 4-H.  John has served as a fairboard director and superintendent for over 30 years.  As a superintendent he has overseen the Advanced Cattle Feeder projects, Dairy and Bucket Calf divisions at the Warren County Fair.  He has organized and given presentations at county project meetings for Warren County Youth.  John’s Bucket Calf project was one of the first in the state.  As a new part of the program John started the Character Counts award for bucket calf participants that looks at how the youth show the pillars of character through their project. 

John has been a member of the Extension Council and Warren County Youth Committee so he has seen both sides of the program.  Like most people that volunteer with 4-H John started out to give back what he had gotten out of 4-H and now still feels like he gets more than he gives.  He loves working with the youth in the county and watching them grow and develop.

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Categories: Warren

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