Posted on April 12, 2011 at 11:09 AM by Global Reach
Terri and Dennis (Butch) Miller are an important part of the Des Moines County 4-H program. Terri served as general leader of the Unity Klover Leaf 4-H Club for 20 years. She has served on the 4-H Youth Committee for six years and has received the Des Moines County 4-H Meritorious Service Award in 1998. She’s also very active with the Des Moines County Fair Board, having served as a member for 12 years. Other fair involvement includes 4-H rabbit/poultry committee (23 years), 4-H dog committee (7 years), 4-H cat committee (7 years), 4-H small pet committee (7 years), pre-4-H/Clover Kids small pet show (10 years), kids crafts at fair (2 years), and fair musical entertainment (5 years).
In all of Terri’s activity, Butch is right there backing her up; doing what it takes to get the job done. Because of his continuous, quiet contributions to the 4-H program, Butch was honored with the Des Moines County Honorary Member Award in 2000. It is most appropriate that Terri and Butch be inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.
Categories: Des Moines