Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 12, 2011 at 11:16 AM by Global Reach

Dr. Ken ReimerFor many years, Dr. Reimer has been an advocate for young people to be members of 4-H as a way for them to grow in leadership and citizenship skills.  That encouragement is based on his 4-H experience in the 1950’s. 

A 4-H highlight each year of most 4-H'ers is exhibiting projects at the County Fair.  Dr. Reimer has volunteered to be the Clayton County Fair official veterinarian for the past 35 years.  The livestock health inspection that he does is more than a required process -- it involves unique conversations that educate, encourage, and focus on sound animal husbandry principles.

Dr. Reimer has numerous volunteer roles that impact the lives of youth.  He teaches animal safety each year at the Clayton County 4th Grade Safety Day, instructs "Iowa's Dairy Story" participants about the ruminant digestive system, judges invention conventions, meets with talented students to encourage them to stretch beyond the normal requirements, gives positive encouragement to the Kiddie Calf participants, and is a supportive fan at oodles of events that feature the talents of youth.

Dr. Ken Reimer was one of the primary individuals who brought together the three partners that initiated the Northeast Iowa Dairy Foundation Center now located at Calmar.  His leadership on the Board of Trustees of Northeast Iowa Community College, his interest in Iowa State University Extension, and his connection with many dairy farm families in the seventeen county region was a key factor in making the Dairy Center a reality.  He is on the Board of Directors of the Northeast Iowa Dairy Foundation.

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Categories: Clayton

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