Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 12, 2011 at 11:29 AM by Global Reach

Cindy GlienkeCindy (Bibler) Glienke was nine years old when she became a 4-H member in Buena Vista County.  Cindy joined the Elk Antlers 4-H Club, holding many leadership positions, both at the local club level and the county level.   She has served as a club leader for the Maple Valley Agriculturists, for eight years and is also a member of the 4-H Executive Committee for the ISU Extension 4-H Committee in Buena Vista County.  
The Bibler family was known for the ‘Junior Feeders’ they exhibited each year.  Cindy was no exception.  She always took pride in the many projects she exhibited at the County Fair and remembers the Citizenship Washington Trip as one of her fondest 4-H memories.  Cindy’s strong work ethic has been more than helpful during the preparation and clean-up at the fair grounds.  Our office staff knows we can always count on Cindy to help.  Whether it is cleaning out the 4-H building so it can be power washed, setting up the displays for state fair and outstanding juniors, reviewing record books and award applications, Cindy is always there ready to get the task done.   At the area level, Cindy has been one of the adult reviewers of 4-H award applications, reviewing 4-H award applications that are sent onto state competition.
As one of the leaders of the Maple Valley Agriculturist 4-H Club, Cindy has coordinated the ‘Pumpkin Patch’ effort, which is a laboratory of learning for 4-H’ers who have received the experience of planting, harvesting and marketing pumpkins and a place for the community to experience a hayride and pick a pumpkin.
ISU Extension 4-H involvement in the “Taste of Storm Lake” fundraiser was an initiative of Cindy’s, in an effort to raise money for the 4-H awards program. Each year, Cindy’s family has donated the pork for the grilled pork burgers and served at the fundraiser held on Main Street in Storm Lake.  Cindy has collected all the supplies for the supper, as well as arranged for the volunteer helpers to serve the food at the event.  The fundraisers have provided over $1,800 for the 4-H awards program over the last four years.
Some one made the following comment regarding Cindy, “She is willing to volunteer and leads one of the most successful and largest 4-H clubs in our county.  She is a great example of 4-H.  She mentors not only her own children, but also many members in the county.”
Cindy and her husband Brian have a farming business south of Aurelia, raising hogs, crops and operating a dairy business.  They have two children, Adam, a 2007 graduate of Aurelia High School and Stacie, a junior at Aurelia High school.  Cindy serves as the St. John Church Treasurer and is involved in the Aurelia Music Boosters.  Congratulations to Cindy Glienke, the 2007 4-H Hall of Fame Honoree for Buena Vista County.

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Categories: Buena Vista

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