Posted on April 12, 2011 at 11:29 AM by Global Reach
Elston was a very active 4-H’er for many years and attained many top county awards in the late 50 and early 60’s from “Outstanding 4-H Boy”, “Outstanding Dairy Member”, to the top award – “Achievement.” The Leadership, Citizenship, Community Service, and several agriculture awards were also presented to him. He was a leader for over 10 years and all his adult life he has been a major contributor to the Bremer County 4-H Program by encouraging members to reach goals and helping them get their fair projects ready. He also has been the “official photographer” for 4-H activities and is in attendance at most 4-H events in the county. He has also volunteered as an “auctioneer” when he was needed at fundraisers.
Categories: Bremer