Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 7, 2011 at 12:47 PM by Global Reach

Linda PiersonLinda’s involvement with 4-H began when she became a member of the Pike Peppy Pals 4-H (girls) club and the Pike Pluck Pikers (boys) 4-H clubs.  Back then, you had to join the boys’ 4-H club and do two record books if you wanted to show livestock.  She has been bleeding green ever since, serving as a club leader, guiding her two very active daughters through 4-H, serving two terms on the Muscatine County Program Development Committee, and volunteering as bucket calf superintendent.  In 2005, she created the Celebrity Bucket Calf Show which has raised $3000 for the Muscatine County 4-H Program.  Her other contributions to the 4-H program are too numerous to mention here.

Says Linda, “4-H is what you put in to it.  You will receive many wonderful rewards if you put effort into your time in 4-H.  Your 4-H friends and connections are a true sense of networking as you grow older and enter the work force.”  Well said, Linda!  Muscatine County is proud to name Linda Pierson as its representative in the 2007 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame!



·    4-H member for 9 years in the Pike Peppy Pals (girls) and the Pike Plucky Pikers (boys) 4-H clubs
·    4-H club leader for 9 years
·    Very active member of the Program Development Committee - 6 years
·    4-H and Open Bucket Calf superintendent - 4 years
·    Started the Celebrity Bucket Calf Show at the fair to raise money for 4-H
·    Has conducted several bucket calf clinics for area 4-H’ers
·    Judges bucket calf shows in surrounding counties
·    Has helped at the fair for many years
·    Avid supporter of 4-H

tribute gift

Categories: Muscatine

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