Posted on April 7, 2011 at 1:12 PM by Global Reach
Vera Minenga of Mahaska County definitely bleeds green! She was a very active 4-H member in Mahaska County and loves to tell stories of her time in 4-H. Vera was the Office Assistant for Mahaska County Extension for many years and continues to fill in when they are short-staffed. She is an extremely positive person to be around and she is a great model of what 4-H is all about.
· Former member of 4-H in Mahaska County - attended many local, area & state events as a member.
· Worked with Mahaska County Extension as OA for MANY years.
· Continues to be our fill-in person when we are short-staffed.
· Can always answer 4-H questions.
· Knows local 4-H families.
Categories: Mahaska